
TENNESSEE RESPONSE: Calvary Chapel Pastor Jack Hibbs Asks All Pastors and Churches in US to Pray and Fast for America in July

TENNESSEE RESPONSE: Calvary Chapel Pastor Jack Hibbs Asks All Pastors and Churches in US to Pray and Fast for America in July

In response to Tennessee Governor Bill Lee’s signed and approved bill calling for 30 days of prayer and fasting in his state beginning July 1, 2024, Pastor Jack Hibbs of California is asking for all pastors and churches from every state to “be Tennesseans.”


“Starting July 1st, let’s join Tennessee in their month-long prayer to seek God’s hand of mercy and healing on our states and country!” Hibbs posted on social media late yesterday (6/25).

Harbinger’s Daily reported that the Calvary Chapel Chino Hills pastor said that California Governor Gavin Newsom would never call for statewide prayer. “Our governor won’t say such a thing. We don’t need our governor to say such a thing,” he stressed. “We’ve got ears to hear what the Spirit is saying, and the Holy Spirit is calling Tennessee, its governor, and its people to pray for America. We in California can do the same thing. I’m calling upon the church in America to join with Tennessee.”

As reported by Harbinger’s Daily, Tennessee House Joint Resolution 0803 asks the people of the state “to seek God’s hand of mercy, healing on Tennessee.”

The state’s bill includes many references to God, including from this section: “We recognize that God, as Creator and King of all Glory, has both the authority to judge and to bless nations or states. We, as public servants in the Tennessee General Assembly, seek God’s Mercy upon our land and beseech Him to not withdraw His Hand of blessing from us… We recognize our sins and shortcomings before Him and humbly ask His Forgiveness… We ask the Lord Jesus to heal our land and remove the violence, human-trafficking, addiction, and corruption… We ask that the Holy Spirit fill our halls of government, our classrooms, our places of business, our churches, and our homes with peace, love, and joy….”

When the news of the bill’s passage broke, Hibbs quickly responded, “Let’s ask every Christian in America, every Pastor in America. Let’s all fast and pray that God would have His way with these United States. Let’s all be Tennesseans this month of July and pray and fast as the Lord leads,” Hibbs said.

“Wear a Tennessee t-shirt, get a hat, whatever—but starting July 1st, as you’re able, fast and pray for our nation. If Tennessee is watching, We’re with you. California is with Tennessee,” he stated. “Maybe God is waiting for America and its churches to wake up.”

FEATURED IMAGE: Harbinger’s Daily/screen shot

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